Japanese to English translation

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Any members here are able to translate written [Luxman] Japanese to English?

My project..... to refurbish 2 Luxkit Z504 ( in Japan they are A504), amplifiers.

I have three 504's. One is working but the other two are not.

These amplifiers were introduced by Luxman as 'build your own' kits in 1984 to the Japanese market, (as the A504), however, they used a Belgium company to mass produce a completed kit to the European market under the name of "Avance Luxkit". They did something similar in America.

I have the full original build instructions and schematics for this amp, (Japanese).

In my efforts to rebuild these amps I need some paragraphs translated.

For your information:-

Luxkit 504 amp is very user adaptable by switching a few wires around under the hood.

60W + 60W per channel class A. Stereo.
200W + 200W per channel AB.Stereo
240W MONO class A to AB.
600W MONO class AB
Slew rate 200v/usec

Most of the amp is 'hard-wired' so it makes for an interesting DIY project. I have spent many years accumulating these. I truly love the sound + it makes my Manger tranducers sing!

I would like to make new boards of the amp and also welcome opinions on replacement parts.

But first I need some of the original Japanese build instructions translated to English.

Stephen - Reeler
The working example A504


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Japanese translation update

Dear members,

So far I have had 2 very kind offers of help from fluent Japanese speakers to help with the translation of this DIY Assembly Manual. 🙂

The manual is quite lengthy, although it is made up of a lot of diagrams, and I would like to invite more Japanese translators onboard to help share the load.

My intention would be to have both the Japanese and (eventual) English Assembly Manuals made available on this site for others to build this powerful and versatile Duo-Beta amp.

My information is that this manual was never translated into any language from the original Japanese. In Japan the A504 was available to buy in kit form, but outside of Japan the units were only available to the public in completed form. I believe they were first introduced around 1983/1984. Luxman’s subsidiary group ‘Lux-kit’ ceases to exist – the new Luxman company knows nothing about them and is even less interested.

This Assembly Manual is a rare piece of history and is likely to be lost in time. Anyone having one of these amps today, (26yrs later) will most likely need to refurbish.

The manual contains:-
Full parts list,
Step by step build instructions,
Guide to adjusting bias, A to AB rewiring, Stereo to Bridge Mono rewiring.
block diagram,
the pcb layouts,
the circuit diagrams,
the test measurements and more.

The DIYaudio forum is the perfect place for the collective effort required to translate, collate and display this information – so that others can have the opportunity to build and maintain this powerful piece of equipment.

I know there is interest in these amps. Many forums, including this one, have ‘help seeking’ threads relating to the Luxkit series over the years. There are owners in America, Canada, Australia (A504) also Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK (Z504) all without the necessary information found in this manual.

My intention with an English manual would be to refurbish my own units and have some new pcbs made up to begin building some more of these units to add to my collection. If there is enough interest then perhaps forum members might be interested in a group buy at some stage. I am not interested in financial profit.

Meanwhile the important issue is to have this manual translated. Please, if you are able and willing to join the other 2 members to assist with translating a few pages of this 41 page manual then let me know so that I can organise some means of dividing the workload.

Perhaps you know of others qualified to assist…..email or pm them pointing to this thread!

As a sweetener, when it comes time to have pcbs made up I will certainly look at a means of rewarding the efforts of those who come forward.

At this stage I have attached a copy of the spec sheet. I am awaiting permission from the Mods to post up the full manual.

Also I would be interested in your views as to whether you think this a worthwhile project.



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well ... amplifiers like that will only require a schematic and some expirience to repair them ...i am afraid that translating the manual will get you nowhere ...reason ? they person who actually copmosed the manual never had in mind that these amplifiers might live as long as 20-30 years ....

i think your approach is wrong ... you will need other type of procedure
Sakis, I believe you are missing the point. The 'manual' is a concise set of 'Assembley Instructions' aimed at the complete novice. They are written in such a manner as to take you by the hand through the build.

With these instructions, a set of boards and the necessary parts anyone could begin constructing this very powerful and versatile amplifier.

In fact one won't need the schematics or experience to build this - with the translated manual. The educational value that goes along with building such a kit is immense.

I know it might be difficult to believe this without seeing the Assembley Instructions but the pdf file is 28MB and is too big to post.

DIY should not be a closed shop for the 'experienced', it should be accessable to the first timer also. There are not many opportunities for a beginner to build something as wonderful as this outside Japan...

I truly believe that there will be a lot of interest between novice and expert alike, to build, (and possibly improve on), this amp.

You are correct when you say the manual is not required to fix a broken amp but I want everyone to have the opportunity to build a fresh unit from scratch.

PS. I managed to revive one of my broken amps this week by replacing some caps and transistors so I now have 2 working units and one broken.
Hi Reeler

I think this is a great idea. 28MB sounds like a real email-killer though. How about uploading the PDF to Jan's website? That will make it easy for anyone to access.

Sorry I can't help with translation but I'd love to see the english version if/when available.

Cheers - Godfrey
Hi Reeler

I think this is a great idea. 28MB sounds like a real email-killer though. How about uploading the PDF to Jan's website? That will make it easy for anyone to access.

Sorry I can't help with translation but I'd love to see the english version if/when available.

Cheers - Godfrey

Godfrey, a couple of years ago I uploaded some details about this amp to Jim's website, for the benefit of others,. It posted for a couple of months and was then lost in Cyberspace.

I now have invested in a website of my own with 3GBs of space. Once I can work out how to upload this file so that others can download it I will gladly do so.
I don't want this thread to diminish into Side Threads...Please.

This is an important project and we have a couple of Dedicated Volunteers working on the translation.

DIY-Audio members are welcome to watch what is happening, but please don't interfere with might be a 1st in a collective language consortium, unless you have something constructive to add.

The ultimate outcome is that we can all benefit from a 1981 design, [Duo Beta], developed by a Japanese Engineer, (Frankie), presently old & living in retirement in London, [who incidently built the most excellent amp based on AC straight thru-put ever deveoped]. (I spoke with 'Frankie', in his retirement in London, on the phone in 2005. He was so disgusted with the way that
Luxman Corp. treated him in his retirement that he vowed NEVER to talk about his achievements. In the conversation he told me he was SO proud of his work but I got the feeling he was NOT happy about recognition from Luxman.

Take a step back guys and consider what is on offer.

I want everyone to have the chance of making this amp. Frankie has NO interest in his past. This is probably the only opportunity we 'Westeners' have of keeping his majic work alive.

If my efforts to keep this amp alive fall on deaf ears then I will be forced to do it by myself.

I need/want the Japanese translation!

Calling all Japanese Students!!!!

Reeler, Best wishes for the holidays.
Hi Reeler,

Would you mind posting the front panel? If I did not had it wrong, it should be my first amp purchased on my own money and it can be considered to be my 'first love'. I do remember the name 'duo beta' but I just want to make sure that it is the one.

More pics of the Z504

For the benefit of BigPanda and others, here are photos of the the outside casings of both as they sit on my table:-

1. Japanese LUXKIT A504 [sold in kit form in Japan only].
2. EU Avance Z504 [sold in Europe in assembled form only].

In America I believe 'Monarch' company assembled the kits and sold them as already Assembled.

I have a few reviews and a 'smattering' of information about these amps from the early 1980s but I would appreciate any further information you might have, in the interests of 'completeness'. [Particularly any information about the liquid cooling system]

As a collector of decent hi-fi I have managed to accumulate the following matching units associated with the Z504:--

Avance Z502 "duo beta" pre-amp.
Luxkit Z503 tuner.
Luxkit A506 Electronic Crossover Network.

The Luxkit DIY, build your own, series of electronic hi-fi gear in the early 1980s was very well respected and still has its followers. We in the West didn't have such easy access, for various reasons, including politics within the British hi-fi industry at the time. [Magazines, under pressure from the 'local' industry tended to purposely ignore what Japan was producing.]

Anyway guys, I hope, 30yrs later, to do my bit to keep the flame alive....particularly when today's manufacturers are charging the earth for less quality items at exhorbitant prices!

Incidently, Luxkit also produced a "duo-Beta Z501" amplifier which was the little brother to this amp. An extremely versatile amp, in its own right, capable of switching from Class A to Class AB and from Stereo use to Mono use with the flick of a switch. At a time when manufacturers were promoting BIG numbers on their unit's Specs, the Z501 when tested on the machines of the Magazine Reviewers gave results surpassing even the manufacturer's claims. It is no wonder these units survive.


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Hi Reeler,

How's the project and the translation going? I have been trying to ask help for translation and there is a good chance I might find someone (grad. from Japan U.) to do the translation for you. So if you are still looking for a hand, keep in contact.

The photo you posted is not the one that I had before. The one I had before had tone control build it and presumeably a lower end amp. The chassis is much smaller where its height is about 1/2 of what you had (but of course I judge from the photo only)

Hello BigPanda, (and others following this thread) thank you for your continued interest.

The situation at the moment is:-

A. I have split the large 'build instructions' into 4 separate pdf files.

B. The two kind members who volunteered to help me on this project have each been supplied with one pdf. [One quarter of the total project]

C. There are still two pdf files to be passed along to other volunteers, or for the current volunteers up for the challenge.

D. If I have more volunteers then I can split the files even more, to offload the workload.

I understand that the translating of these files, from Japanese to English, can be seen as a thankless task and requires committment and tenacity on the side of the translator.

I appreciate everything that comes back to me. I understand and empathise with those involved...but what can I tell you?........

.....This sort of project is only possible because of the Internet. Even 20yrs ago it would have been impossible.

My heart is in this project, and it is certainly not for any desire to make profit. My motive is to keep alive what I think is a fantastic amp that was designed for anyone to be able to build and enjoy for the next 30 yrs. It is my only motive.

If I could afford to I would take the 'build instructions' to Japan and have them translated...then I would set up a company to build them just for me!

That is not what I want. This is a DIY forum, I am a DIY guy (at the lower end of the learning scale), and I personally would get such a kick out of building one of these from scratch.

The truth is ---- I had one of these (wired in stereo) in 1984ish, loved it so much that I wanted to try my first attempt at two Monos so I bought another....then another etc. Now (after nearly 30yrs) the amps are failing one by one. I have got the bug for repairing these. Unfortunately I am restricted in my learning by only replacing components and hoping that I've done something right. All the time I am studying books and Internet to understand what it is that I've done correct, that 'all of a sudden' makes my amp work!

I love the feeling that I have repaired my amp and I now want to know "why".

Is this not the basis for DIY or DIYaudio?

BigPanda, I welcome your efforts to help me along with this. If your friend is interested I can only say that I would appreciate it very much. I can't give him dollars but I can offer all my helpers a set of boards, along with a English/Japanese set of "build from scratch" Instructions.

Regarding the boards.....I am intent in getting some boards made with my own savings. I don't like the current thin boards available but I do like the original Japanese boards with thick tracing. I want to make sure that novices building these circuits are permitted to make mistakes with soldering and won't lose a board because the copper traces are too thin. I need advice on this from fellow members.

Now you see whare I'm coming from guys.

Please contribute.


Bigpanda...here is a link to the original Luxkit catalogue of the early 1980s. http://www.thevintageknob.org/LUXMAN/LUXKIT84/luxkit84.html
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Hello BigPanda, (and others following this thread) thank you for your continued interest.

The situation at the moment is:-

A. I have split the large 'build instructions' into 4 separate pdf files.

B. The two kind members who volunteered to help me on this project have each been supplied with one pdf. [One quarter of the total project]

C. There are still two pdf files to be passed along to other volunteers, or for the current volunteers up for the challenge.

Have you consider printing out the pages on paper and then scanning them with a scanner with OCR function and then cut and paste the Japanese text into Google translate? I think that Canon Scan LiDE 200 can do this.

Hope this helps
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