• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Instrument/Microphone Tube Pre-amp

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I am interested in building a tube preamp to connect to my computer's sound card for recording guitar and/or vocals. Here are my requirements:

-low noise
-2 chanel
-good clean tone
-it is not necessary to have ultra low distortion. Very small amounts of harmonic distortion (2nd order?) are acceptable.

Additional stuff that would be cool, but could be ommitted for the sake of simplicity:
-Level meter/clipping indicator

I am wondering if anyone here could suggest a project or schematic, that is available on the internet (or at a bookstore). A detailed explantiaon of how to build would be ideal, but I could probably work from just a schematic if it is relativly straight forward.

comp soundcard pre-amp

The june 2003 issue of 'audio express' magazine had a great (and fairly simple) article/schematic for a tube pre-amp written by graham dicker that might be what you're looking for. It doubles as a voice/ instrument pre. I'm not sure how you might access that article. Good luck w/project!
Well I have to say that the gyraf projects look really cool... the project description is very detailed too. I am not all that comfortable etching my own pcbs, however. I dont suppose anyone is selling them? I am a little dissuaded by the warnings on the G9 suggesting that it is a very advanced project.

thyratron- looks like that could me another viable option.. possibly a little more striaghtforward. How well does it preform? Know any who has built it?
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