Input socket for MC corrector?

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Which sockets is better to use for MM corrector?

We are designing a high-end MC corrector with unusual Soviet military tubes and LR correction. It will have transformer balanced inputs and outputs.

The question is, which sockets is better to use for inputs?

I think about 2 options: either 1 female 5-pin XLR, or 2 female 3-pin XLR sockets.

Or may be there is something more standard?

thinking about highend on one side and cheap DIN-connectors on the other?? Doesn´t fit together somehow, eyyh?
As analog_sa pointed out anything different from RCA/Cinch will not fit with most tonearms. There are a few arms around that use 3-pole XLR.
If You don´t worry about compatibility then something like the Lemosa S-series or the equally excellent Fischer connectors of size 102 come to mind.
Fischer connectors | Connecteur Circulaire - Connecteurs Push-Pull

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