Inexpensive wire source

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Good evening everyone

Im sure many already know the site, but has some pretty inexpensive signal wire

Teflon coated 22ga. 2 conductor braided sheild wire is .19 per ft. (pretty flexible)

Also 178v Toriod transformers for preamps are $9.88 each. The filament out put is 17v but a couple resistors can fix that.

I hope some find the info useful

Thanks, I like teflon wire in case I inadvertantly wave the soldering iron around. I paid $60 for a 100' 22 ga roll of Alpha modern stock. It ROHS compliant, in case anybody in Europe wants to buy my piddling projects. HA! Wondered where all the tin-lead coated stuff went, thought I had missed that bus while I was working too much for hobbies. Both are good, but Cleveland is $5 1 day shipping from here, LA is $8 4 days, if the 4 days from Phoenix are any indication.
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