I'm in an internal space dilemma

I calculated a 30-liter box for my woofer, but the box will have 33 liters because of the internal box of the midrange that I will install. Doing the math here, the height of a round box for the midranger would be 35.7 cm, taking as a base the 4 inches that it has...
Therefore, the main box which would hold the woofer and the tweeter would have the measurements of Final Dimensions of the Box:
Height: 47 cm (0.47 m)
Width: 30 cm (0.30 m)
Depth: approximately 23.4 cm (0.234 m)
The height of the midranger box completely exceeds the depth of the box, and I wanted the speakers in the front to be arranged one above the other, as I think it is more aesthetically pleasing...
Any idea of how I can do this?
The midranger will operate between 400Hz and 3200Hz
I don't know if I should reduce the size of its box... for me, I think it's a great choice for it to be around 3 liters
I'm using Boxsim as simulation tool for speaker design, and it has a maximum setting of 25 g/L for stuffing. So I assume this is a practical limit.

To the OP: you can make a deeper box to allow for the depth of your midrange enclosure and block some of in the bottom to get the woofer enclosure back at 30 liters. I don't see any other option in this case.
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