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ICEpower 125ASX2, ICE500A, Tripath TA2020 boards

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I'm selling a little used Icepower modul, the 125ASX2. [SOLD] Announced are 2 x 125 watts on 4 ohms. It comes with an SMPS - it's basically PnP, as everything's on the board.
It comes with the cables (input on XLR 1 metre, output to bananas and Pwer with an IEC socket + switch).
The board is screwed to a MDF board, so it can be used as is before mounting it into a case.
Asking 160€ + shipping (worldwide, costs will be calculated upon request).
Sound is as expected, bright, clean, flat like a ruler, deep stage. Compared to UcD, it's less warm but more tight in bass, I believe that the thin long input cable is responsible for that. Power seems to be way more than the announced one.
See here: ICEpower ? Class D audio amplifiers ? Consumer & Professional Audio

I have one single Icepower ICE500A (MK2) [SOLD] board, with cables: 50€ + shipping.
On Tripath eval board with TA2020, with sink. The coupling caps have been changed to high quality Roederstein.: 15€ + shipping. I'll give this for free if the above are bought together.


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