I2S query

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I wonder if one of you knowledgeable gents would help me with this query; Is adding I2S to a TDA1543 DAC as simple as tapping into the Data, WS and BCK between the receiver and DAC chips, or am I missing something?
Hi Bill, after reading the "Do Audiophiles want a stand alone high end HDD source?" thread, I thought that I would purchase a WD Mini off of ebay and do the I2S conversion suggested by Erin. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/digi...-want-stand-alone-high-end-hdd-source-14.html
I thought I would build a linear power supply (easier bit) and a daughter board for the reciever chip and relays etc., as I would still like the option of an external SPDIF source as well. Sound OK?
Sounds great. You also have the option of using SS switching instead of relays. There are a number of switching ICs you could use. I was researching these a few months ago and believe they would be more stable than relays. Then my puter crashed, lost my focus. I'll see if I can resurrect some info for you.
Thanks for the info Bill, much appreciated. Unfortunately smt and logic circuits are not my strong point!
I guess there would probably be a DIP version? I'll Google it, but I'm not not sure how to switch with logic?
Hi darkfury,

I haven't completed my connection yet, I have a circuit board half finished to combine my DAC receiver IC plus an analogue switch IC so that I can choose I2C or SP/DIF inputs. I'll post photos once completed.
Regarding your query, you will need to break into the circuit board traces between your receiver and converter IC's, something like the drawing below.

Hope this helps!


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Thanks a lot of audi0,
Since I have a terralink usb convertor with I2S output(from valab on ebay) just needing to pull out the receiver
I think, We have also have same dac 4*TDA 1543
so, your attempt really interested me
Waiting your results, goodluck
Hi darkfury,
I think it would be advisable yes, but I would be more inclined to cut the tracks rather than remove the whole receiver chip. That way you can easily re-connect if you need to with a bit of solder.
I am adding a switch to mine to select either I2S or SP/DIF inputs, I'll be etching a board soon.


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