I need a POWERFUL board amplifier ... ICE or Sure ?

I have big bass bins that I use to switch out two ways on top of. Some of those 2 ways want an honest 150 to 200 watts at 8 ohms. I want to use board maps, because they sit right on my bass bins, behind the two ways.
I do NOT u understand the differences in the different ICE series. But I do need suggestions. A mono channel amp, or 2 ch amp is fine with me. As long as it is a board amplifier. Thanks you
After looking into things further, the ONLY Sure amplifier I can buy from PE to give me close to a genuine 200w into an 8ohm load, is the 1000w one. The closest corresponding Ice amp is the 500ASP.

So the choice would be between these two. Any advice now gentlemen? Thank you
Comparing Sure stuff to ICE amps is like comparing a Volkswagen to a Ferrari.

Two bridged ICE 125AX2 would be a nice fit for your demand.
If you run full power for long period of time, consider the AS1000.
Some Behringer amps may be a good alternative, not more expensive, but finished amps with all safety devices.