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Hypex UcD 400.

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Selling this as its not Quite the sound for me.
Dual mono ucd 400 class d amp comprising these parts.
2 Ucd400HG modules with HxR.cost 420 EURO.
2 Ucd HG mono pwr supplies. 200
2 TR501A 500vac tranformers. 143.
UcD Softstart. 50.
Alps 100k Black Beauty vol pot. 30.
All Details can be found here http://www.hypex.nl/.
This is built into a all aluminium custom stereo enclosure from hexateq details here http://www.hexateq-av.com/bto_enclosures.html which cost 360 EUROS with all the terminals,sockets and switches fitted.
All in all this has cost 1200 EUROS so looking to get money back if poss but open to reasonable offers.This is all 3weeks old btw so is not even run in.



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