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HQ OP-AMPS surplus

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Hi Guys,

I have some OP-AMPS which are now surplus to my needs:
All are guaranteed genuine as they were supplied by official distributors only.

I have to offer:
Brand new:
3x LME49720HA @ GBP5 each - or all 3 for GBP14
4x AD8599ARZ (SMD) @ GBP2 each - or all 4 for GBP7
3x OPA2132PA @ GBP3 each - or all 3 for GBP8
2x LT1364 (SMD) @ GBP 2 each
3x LME49720NA @ GBP 2 each - or all 3 for GBP5
5x OPA604 @ GBP2 each - or all 5 for GBP8

or take the whole lot for GBP35!

+Postage UK GBP2, Europe GBP3, Elsewhere GBP4

Please PM with requests - I'll get back to you asap.
The 4x AD8599ARZ and 3x LME49720NA are reserved for Siankovic, pending payment.

The Op-amps still available are:
3x LME49720HA @ GBP5 each - or all 3 for GBP14
3x OPA2132PA @ GBP3 each - or all 3 for GBP8
2x LT1364 (SMD) @ GBP 2 each
5x OPA604 @ GBP2 each - or all 5 for GBP8
The 4x AD8599ARZ and 3x LME49720NA confirmed sold.

The Op-amps still available are:
3x LME49720HA @ GBP5 each - or all 3 for GBP14
3x OPA2132PA @ GBP3 each - or all 3 for GBP8
2x LT1364 (SMD) @ GBP 2 each
5x OPA604 @ GBP2 each - or all 5 for GBP8
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