How to match the FET

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Dear All,
I am a beginner in electronic world and want to learn to build an Amp. After doing some searching and reading, I stumbled how to macth the fet. I read Mr. Nelson Pass article on matching, and I think 🙄 I understand the concept behind it. Unfortunately, I do not understand the schematic. For example, it is my understanding that in matching, let say, N Fet, I have to connect positive supply to a resistor and then connect it to Drain and Gate with the Source grounded and then take a measurement across the Ground and Drain. Is it Correct? Last question, I came across a product which I think will do the same job, here is the link,
Has anyone used this product? Thank you for your help.:angel:
Characterizing FET's

This is a link to International Rectifier's ap-note on testing FET's. They use a Tektronix 576 curve tracer, but you can perform many of the same tests with a good DVM -- and they explain how. Note, before trying these out that many of the tests are performed with a pulse generator -- I think that they use 80uSec pulses to measure gm. I use 100uSec with a Tek PG501 pulse generator.<p>
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