High Gain Tube Preamp PCB, power supply on or off-board?

Hi all,

I got the bug to make another guitar distortion making device around the same time I realized I never bought a 5150 when I was a teenager. Below is a screen shot of a PCB layout that is 80% done for a 5150 preamp. I have a Toroidal Transformer collecting dust that seems well suited and I'm weighing options for where to put the B+ rectification and filtering. As you can see my first inclination was to put it in the left side of the PCB but I'm wavering and considering a second board because I'm concerned about rectifier noise and proximity.

It may not be clear but I'm following a ground bus approach with the most sensitive signals on the far right. The first two filtering stages are separated by a balanced filter per Merlin's Grounding Chapter to dissuade rectifier currents from polluting audio. I'll be tying the PCB ground bus to earth at the input end as well.

I also need to cram in a regulated DC rail for the heaters and possibly a low voltage solid state buffer on the output. That alone may push me into a separate supply board but I could also stick a 3rd party module in there I guess.

For those who have packed their AC-DC section onto the same board as signal what methods did you use to avoid noise pollution?


  • 5150 Preamp.png
    5150 Preamp.png
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  • peavey_evh-5150_sch.pdf
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