I am thinking for a new years build for a 3rd in house system to go w/ 4- 12" high eff woofers of good quality & a single high eff..12" alnico coaxial of days long gone per side w/ a WWMTWW configuration all in a vertical line on single OB, Bi-amped with 30W of EL-34 using Ampex mono's for the OB woofers & either 45 or 2a3 or even 300B for the coaxial. What ohm woofers should I be looking for as my Ampex el-34 mono's only have 16ohm taps. I run successfull OB systems in 2 differant setups, this will be a 3rd. & going for live levels in medium sized room. & also how should I wire the woofers after known ohmage to get 16ohm load for the woofers..? I want to keep these on all same vertical plane, but will take any suggestions to consideration. I can brace thise baffle to wall for no movement also with long rods or whatever..Baffle movement is of no concern to me.. please let me know if I am off my rocker.