Hi, I'm Butterylicious

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My real name is Richard Smith. I am an electrical contractor from Austin, TX...ya'll. Audio electronic restoration is my hobby. Nothing pleases me more than fixing cool old gadgets. I'm not into building kits, although as a youngster I did build a Heathkit amp and a PAIA synth. I am a tech school drop out from the early 80's. Did the music thang for many years before starting a family and my own business. I have no clue how I ended up here.
Ampex 351's were great tape machines. I've restored several.
I've even restored an ampex 400. That was an early machine with the pinch roller on the left side of the tape path. The electronics were similar to the 351's.

When the restoration was complete, the machine produced very good tapes.
You guys do this or what?

I just did a search for projects involving the Ampex 351 preamp, as I have an old machine, and would like to get it up-'n runing.
I'm quite new to the tape machine thing though.

-so what happened to the above-mentioned restoration project.
Let us know about it.

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