Help with Schematic

Screenshot from 2023-10-30 00-08-40.png
Yes, working backwards from the unregulated +/- 35 VDC for the STK amps gives a T101 secondary of about 50 VAC at pins 1 & 5 with a Center Tap at pin 3.
The DC voltage is roughly 1.4 times the AC input for an unreg full wave supply so 70/1.4 = 50.
Similarly, the +/- 17 VDC must be made by 24 VAC secondary taps at pins 2 & 4 with the CT at pin 3.
The power consumption for the unit is rated at 150W, so you could estimate the transformer to be about 150-200 VA.
T101 primary voltages are listed in the upper right corner of P19.