This is a fairly recent part, which looks to promise a fairly simple 20W Mono amp. Further, it looks to have a DIY friendly SO-16 package, with 50 mill pin spacing. But the devil is in the details. Here's the spec.
My question is about whether it is even possible to build an amplifier powered by a single 12V source.
The backstory is, I was considering these very inexpensive and ready made STEREO boards, based on an older PAM8610. You may find these interesting too, especially at this insane price...
PAM8610 Digital Amplifier Board 2x15W Two Channel Stereo Class D Sale -
I inquired to Diodes Incorporate whether i could couple the inputs together on that board, and also couple the outputs together, maybe through 0.1 ohm resistors (to add balance) and a 4 ohm speaker. The engineer at DI responded saying it would work, but it would be more efficient to use the MONO 8320. But looking at the data sheet, I'd almost get the impression it requires three power supplies (one bi-polar supply and a separate supply for the preamp / logic section.
Again, this is a pretty new offering so there is not a lot of example applications out there. I've requested some samples, but if I can't use it with a single 12V supply, its not going to be a very useful part for my needs.
thanks for any assist/advice.
My question is about whether it is even possible to build an amplifier powered by a single 12V source.
The backstory is, I was considering these very inexpensive and ready made STEREO boards, based on an older PAM8610. You may find these interesting too, especially at this insane price...
PAM8610 Digital Amplifier Board 2x15W Two Channel Stereo Class D Sale -
I inquired to Diodes Incorporate whether i could couple the inputs together on that board, and also couple the outputs together, maybe through 0.1 ohm resistors (to add balance) and a 4 ohm speaker. The engineer at DI responded saying it would work, but it would be more efficient to use the MONO 8320. But looking at the data sheet, I'd almost get the impression it requires three power supplies (one bi-polar supply and a separate supply for the preamp / logic section.
Again, this is a pretty new offering so there is not a lot of example applications out there. I've requested some samples, but if I can't use it with a single 12V supply, its not going to be a very useful part for my needs.
thanks for any assist/advice.
One Supply, PVCCN = PVCCP. For the AVCC put 10R + 1-10uF as an RC-filter arrangemend in between PVCC and AVCC.
Decouple each PVCC input pin close to chip with i.e. 1uF + 10n.
Decouple each PVCC input pin close to chip with i.e. 1uF + 10n.
One Supply, PVCCN = PVCCP. For the AVCC put 10R + 1-10uF as an RC-filter arrangemend in between PVCC and AVCC.
Decouple each PVCC input pin close to chip with i.e. 1uF + 10n.
Thanks, and this is what I was hoping! But the pin descriptions seem to say the opposite...
Pin 1: PVCCN P Power supply for negative H-bridge, not connected to PVCCP or AVCC
and ...
pin 8: PVCCP P Power supply for positive H-bridge, not connected to PVCCN or AVCC
That's why you need to make the connections externally. Nothing wrong with that.
As there's only positive Supply voltage mentioned and both half-bridges are from the same internal layout, no negative supply voltage needed. (They also state PGNDN and PGNDP, so it might be a bit misleading.)
As there's only positive Supply voltage mentioned and both half-bridges are from the same internal layout, no negative supply voltage needed. (They also state PGNDN and PGNDP, so it might be a bit misleading.)
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Very late to this, but here's the official user guide to the PAM8320
I too was confused by the power supply requirements for these chips but the user guide cleared it up - just add a 10ohm resistor in series with the AVCC pin, and a couple of decoupling caps to ground. I'm building an amp using two of these, driven by a TDA7439DS audio processor for volume, tone and input selection (I2C interface). Currently in prototype on some perf-board it works beautifully powered at 9v from my bench power supply.
I too was confused by the power supply requirements for these chips but the user guide cleared it up - just add a 10ohm resistor in series with the AVCC pin, and a couple of decoupling caps to ground. I'm building an amp using two of these, driven by a TDA7439DS audio processor for volume, tone and input selection (I2C interface). Currently in prototype on some perf-board it works beautifully powered at 9v from my bench power supply.