Help with Infinity RS6000

Long story short, one of my friends gave me the old Infinity RS6000 speakers from his dad since he already has a pretty nice setup and I'm the one that's always experimenting with things and building/restoring amps. The RS6000s won't go into my main system, but I still want to get them up and running and try to get the best out of them that I can, within reason of course.

First thing on my list would be to refoam the 2x 10"-woofers and the 1x 2" polydome midrange per speaker and of course get the Emit-K's serviced.
After that I'd replace the electrolytics in the crossover and clean the pots of the speaker controls.
Maybe I'll also add new speaker terminals and also a second set for bi-amping them...
Sounds good so far? Would the RS6000's even be worth the effort?

For all of this and maybe more I would greatly appreciate any info/experience about/with the Infinity RS6000 anyone on has. Especially how hard (or dangerous, considering many Infinity speakers are amp-killers) they are to drive and how low they dip, how they fit into the Infinity speaker-lineup (I guess somewhere in the middle but surely miles away from the IRS and the Kappa line), what you think about them sound-wise, if they are even worth restoring,...

I couldn't find much info on the web about them, but at least they are listed on infinity-classics with their spec-sheet
Are they polydomes or polycones? I doubt polydomes would need any servicing unless they are damaged.

You may be just as well to replace the woofers with a p25 from vifa / seas / ss / sb / etc. I have a pair of RS6b, similar to yours. I replaced with seas p21 woofers and am very happy with the results. Since you are in Europe you likely have a better chance of acquiring some p25 woofers as well. They seem to be more available there.

These are very nice speakers btw. Infinity were ahead of the curve back then. All those RS line had big roundovers to reduce diffraction (said so in the brochure) I mean, you are barely just starting to hear manufacturers talk about diffraction today, Infinity was doing it 40 years ago.

The EMITs of course are no slouch, nor are the polydomes.

They may be the least fatiguing speakers I've ever listened to. You can leave them on all day long no problem. Which is probably why with many speakers having come and gone, I still own them.

I doubt you'll need a sub with those sealed double 10" bass drivers either.
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Are they polydomes or polycones? I doubt polydomes would need any servicing unless they are damaged.

You may be just as well to replace the woofers with a p25 from vifa / seas / ss / sb / etc. I have a pair of RS6b, similar to yours. I replaced with seas p21 woofers and am very happy with the results. Since you are in Europe you likely have a better chance of acquiring some p25 woofers as well. They seem to be more available there.

These are very nice speakers btw. Infinity were ahead of the curve back then. All those RS line had big roundovers to reduce diffraction (said so in the brochure) I mean, you are barely just starting to hear manufacturers talk about diffraction today, Infinity was doing it 40 years ago.

The EMITs of course are no slouch, nor are the polydomes.

They may be the least fatiguing speakers I've ever listened to. You can leave them on all day long no problem. Which is probably why with many speakers having come and gone, I still own them.

I doubt you'll need a sub with those sealed double 10" bass drivers either.

They are PolyDOMES, so yeah, they won't need any servicing.

I wrote about refoaming the woofers and not replacing them, since I have never really touched speaker xovers besides servicing them and if I were to replace the woofers I'd have to change the xover and that's something I'm not very familiar with. Voicing amps, phonostages, other electronics no problem, but I've almost no experience with xovers...

So how hard are those speakers to drive? I don't think that they are real amp-killers, but I guess that they dip down into 1,5 to 1,2 ohm territory nonetheless. Just asking because I won't be able to meassure their impedance with frequency till at least the woofers have been refoamed. I'll probably simultaneously send the Emit-K's to service, so I've to wait till I get them back aswell.
You may be just as well to replace the woofers with a p25 from vifa / seas / ss / sb / etc. I have a pair of RS6b, similar to yours. I replaced with seas p21 woofers and am very happy with the results. Since you are in Europe you likely have a better chance of acquiring some p25 woofers as well. They seem to be more available there.

Oh, and altough I've heard very good things about seas woofers, the seas p25 aren't available anymore. They are listed under the vintage category on the seas website: PRESTIGE WOOFERS
I don’t know if the same will work for yours but p21 were drop in replacement for me. Didn’t have to touch the crossovers. Also mine have dials for mid and tweeter on the back, not sure if yours do too. I didn’t need to touch them though. Also with amps that do room eq if it did need a bit of a boost or cut the amp could probably correct that.

If you get them reformed then I’m sure it will go well. Since they are poly cones they should be a little easier to reform than paper cones.
I don’t know if the same will work for yours but p21 were drop in replacement for me. Didn’t have to touch the crossovers. Also mine have dials for mid and tweeter on the back, not sure if yours do too. I didn’t need to touch them though. Also with amps that do room eq if it did need a bit of a boost or cut the amp could probably correct that.

If you get them reformed then I’m sure it will go well. Since they are poly cones they should be a little easier to reform than paper cones.

Yeah, it will probably not be too difficult.

The real info I'm lacking is at what frequencies the impedance dips of the RS6000 are and how low they go...Anyone?
I'll of course meassure the impedance curve of these speakers myself once they are fully assembled again, but it would be nice to know in the meantime how careful I'll have to be with my choice of amp so that I can find an appropriate one or most likely build/buy one because I doubt my tube- and firstwatt-amps will be a good match...maybe bi-amping would be an idea so that I can still use my amps and use a high-current amp for the woofers.
If you don't find the info on here, it is certainly out there. I remember reading up on the watkins woofers online 20 years ago on hobby sites and early days of audiokarma.

On that note you're likely to find someone on audiokarma who knows them inside and out. That's more of a vintage speaker forum if I remember correctly. Or is that the one where they sell $10,000 power cables? Can't remember.