Help with BK 3026 function generator

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I found this generator at a pawn shop. Up until now I have been using a home made Wien bridge sine wave generator, so this is my first time messing with one of these.

I'm using a tektronics 2213 scope with 10x probes to look at the signal. My out put cable is a BNC adapter attached to a 1/4 phone plug, since guitar amps are my usual thing.

I have two issues. First, the output seems really low. If I turn he amplitude knob to about ten o'clock, I get about .2v peak to peak. Any higher and I get what sort of looks like crossover distortion about a third of the way up the positive side if the wave. This is usIng the sine wave function. This distortion and the low output can't be normal, right? I was hoping for a clean 1v peak to peak at least. The generator has a 50 ohm output and the scope has a 1 meg input, so that should be fine to me.

Also, the square wave and triangle wave functions are pretty distorted when using freqs in the 10k and under ranges. The trailing edges of the waves are low, suggesting weak low frequency content to me. I suppose my probes could need calibration, but I have no trouble with sine waves.

Finally, could someone explain the gate thing to me?

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