Help me get TT back in action on budget

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I have a bunch of old LPs and 78s (back to the 1920s) and I am itching to get the old Thorens 124 back in operation. I need an inexpensive (sorry the budget is very tight) MM cartridge (two screw mount) but the wrinkle is that I would like to be able to switch between 78s and LPs without changing cartridges. I suppose the right solution is to buy a second turntable but I would prefer to have interchangable styli if possible.

Can anyone recommend a cartridge that would fit my needs?

I think the Ortofon OM and Pro series include a 78 stylus. Bear in mind that if you use a "30" stylus for LP, it will track at 1.5g or so, whereas the 78 stylus will undoubtedly need more down force. Another possibility is the Shure SC35 broadcast cartridge, but it's rather ancient, and I wouldn't let it anywhere near my LPs.

Thanks for the input. My thought is that getting one of these setups would get me going and then I can keep an eye out for a good garage sale deal on a TT for the LPs and devote the Thorens to the 78s.

That Shure seems like a reasonable start. I am sure that it is not the kindest to the records but the TT has a pretty massive arm on it anyway so even a high buck cartridge probably wouldn't make that much difference.

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