help capacitors teflon for riaa

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hi to everybody
I look for help
I have decided to replace the capacitorses of the riaa of my preamplifier solid state phono
I would have thought about capacitors of teflon.
according to you in the riaa better teflon or silver mica ?
I look for capacitor of teflon of 27nf and 4,7nf
do you know where I can buy? onlinestore..?
I want to also replace capacitors of joining from 3,3uf,
thanks to everybody😀 😀 😀
Hi friend,
I had in my phono RIAA russians military silver micas 0,5% tolerance caps. Since last year I use 1% tolerance Aura-T teflon caps in RIAA stage - difference in sound is HUGE - place ONLY teflon in RIAA you have no choice - go for it !

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