Hello from Serbia

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Hello to all diy-ers and people on diyaudio.com
My interests is all type Hi-Fi gear, and tweaking of it. 😉
Currently I'm working on TNT hdoa based preamp, figuring out working principle and doing some simulations, because I'm newbie in this field. Also have to build small two-way speaker with Dynaudio D-260 and 17WLQ. Finished about month ago CD-Player upgrade on Philips CD721 for my frend, and I can tell you guys, that lots of informations you are provided to me, are being very useful...

Just keep on... 😎


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Well - yes it's a bit rude from my side not to translate those 2 sentneces also in English :blush:

OK - to make a short translation exercise:

Zdravi decki! - Hi guys!

OK, nisam is Srbije - ali imamo zajednu bivsu domovinu! - I'm not from Serbia but we have common ex-homeland.

Lep pozdrav iz Slovenije! - Greetings from Slovenija ...

It's not that hard, ain't it?? 😉
translator... let me try to be...

dobrodosao zemljace = welcome compatriot
bolje te nasao = literally: better I found you (it is usual phrase – when host says “dobrodosao”, guest answers “bolje te nasao”)
ima li nas jos = is there more of us here
koliko sam sam ja video ima nas jos dvoje = as I saw, two
slabo = literally: weakly; in this context: not a lot
bice nas jos = will be more

Hope this helps. :spin:

Welcome Stabist.

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