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Liquidation of garage sale. The amps I'm just fishing with but will sell. Would like to get back to SOZ monoblocks.

4 - X style heatsink for 2 TO3 devices, Brand New 20.00 all

3 - Flatback heatsink 12.25 x 3.75 x 1 Used 15.00 all

2 - Flatback heatsink 8 x 10 x 1.25 for 12 TO3 devices
20.00 all Similar to Wakefield #3004 used

2 - Flatback heatsink 6.5 x 6 x 1.5 for 6 TO3 devices
10.00 all Similar to Wakefield #5054 used

2 - Flatback heatsink 4.25 x 5 x 2.25 20.00 all Similar to
Wakefield #5138 used

2 - Flatback heatsink 4 x 4 x .75 10.00 all used

8 - TO3 heatsink 4.5 x 3 x 1.25 10.00 all used

2 - Talema toroids 200va 22-0-22 ac 20.00 each

2 - Borbely all cascode lineamp cards/working with original
doc. 100.00 all (with Tantalum resistors)

2 - Borbely low noise reg. w/talema trans. 24v +- dc with original
doc. 100.00 all

11 - MJ15022 & 4 MJ15018 + 11 MJ15023 & 4 MJ15019 Motorola
Brand new complimentary set 30.00 all

12 - NEC 2SD555 & 12 NEC 2SB600 used came out of CS800
10.00 all

1 - Pass A75 with 240/9240 devices low hours beautiful amp
HEAVY 1500.00 shipping in excess of 100 lbs.

I can provide pix to all interested parties. I accept paypal. All buyers responsible for shipping. The big amp will have to be crated and insured. E-mail at Passfan514@cs.com
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