Heat transfer sompound and mica , silpads etc

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So Im getting there. Aleph 5s on the way......
so I will be hooking up my 240's to the heatsink soon. CanI just use thermal transfer paste (i have some that i have used for pc cpu's before, guess that is the same stuff) or do I have to insulate them too with something else. I amin the UK so advise on what to use for irfp240 pakage would be nice. I have checked sil-pad but they are quite expensive. Oh and The same question goes for the diodes on the psu......should I or just use h.trnsfr cpund.
Use sili-pads or mica insulators. Without them the Drains of the power fets will short and puff, it's semicon heaven. Unless you are confident with whatever coating is on your HS. Heat transfer compound is just that and won't insulate.
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