Has anyone tried this BS correction circuit?

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I've tried this one, worked well.
Your amp input impedance has to be 100k or more. The source impedance should be 1k or lower. Source impedance can be higher, but you will still have some BSC when the pot is set to the minimal effect setting. I've also built an active version of it, where it's sandwiched between 2 buffers. In that case source or load impedance didn't matter.
Jeb-D. said:
I've tried this one, worked well.
Your amp input impedance has to be 100k or more. The source impedance should be 1k or lower. Source impedance can be higher, but you will still have some BSC when the pot is set to the minimal effect setting. I've also built an active version of it, where it's sandwiched between 2 buffers. In that case source or load impedance didn't matter.

You wouldn't happen to have a schematic of the active circuit would you? Did you build a tube based or SS based circuit?
Jeb-D. said:
I slapped it together on the breadboard one day. So sorry no schematic. It was tube based, but a solid state one could be done easily as well. I may be able to help you come up with something if you’re in desperate need of an active BSC circuit.

Nah. No desperate need. Just wanted to add it to the "library" if you had it drawn up. I'm using a speaker level passive BSC circuit with my suboptimum FE206E MLTLs. At least I think they are MLTLs. I used the "optional" design off the FE206E datasheet.
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