Hardest Rocking Beatles Song?

Definitely Ringo, as per the above comments.

If you listen to the recordings which feature Pete Best, some of which are on Anthology One and others around on unofficial recordings aka 'The Decca Audition', Pete's drumming sounds rather stilted and lack the 'wallop' and fills which Ringo bought to the group. Nothing against Pete, who after all was with them for quite some time.

Apart from the drumming, John's vocal in this track is just great and the guitars sound tough.

The Beatles, as was their prerogative, fought the release of the Hamburg tapes but to me they're an indispensable part of their history. I love the bum notes, audience interactions, 'Shimmy Shimmy' being introduced as 'Shi--y Sh - -y' and Paul and John dealing with drunk hecklers.

Pity about the sound, but yearr of listening to Hendrix bootlegs have trained my ears.

The complete recording is available on YouTube, in several versions, all lo-fi. It has also been released in various semi-legal or bootleg forms on LP and CD.

To confuse things, there were I think, recordings made from two different shows with pretty much the same songs; the alternate version of this number isn't as punchy. Most of the set list was covers.

Interesting to compare this 'Talkin Bout You' with the official live BBC track, the latter sounds rather tame.

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Unfortunately, none of the recordings in my collection have all the tracks, all the better versions, nor do they have better sound than what's on YouTube.

There are three LPs called "The Early Beatles' which are a miserable 15 mins a side, a CD called 'Live at the Star Club 1962' which includes a track not by The Beatles, and the original double LP which seems to have most of the good tracks but the poorest sound.

I'll hunt up the LPs/CDs and post the details but honestly, the recordings from that YouTube link sound OK., but of course they're still bootleg quality I don't know what was done but whoever uploaded it did something worthwhile to the sound.

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Savoy Truffle gets my vote. I've always considered George Harrison the most capable musician of the four.
That's a nice rocker, I'd forgotten about that.

George was a great guitar player and severely under-rated, he could also play bass and piano and played vioiln in All You Need is Love; Ringo was, and is, under-rated., but "I don't play bass because it's too hard for me", according to his lyrics in "Early 1970".

Paul could, and can, play just about anything well.

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