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Hafler circuit cards top sell

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I got this amp from an eBay auction and then found its 8 MOSFET output devices were missing. B-u-m-m-e-r!! So, I have decided to gut the chassis and use it for another project.

Do you want these two DH-200 circuit cards? If so I will send them via Priority Mail to the lower 48 for a total of only $25 (free shipping). If you live elsewhere we can discuss mailing costs.

The amp's overall condition is good and the circuit cards show no evidence of ham fisted mod attempts. All circuit traces are intact. They have phenolic boards but nice film caps, not the ceramic disks found on an earlier version of this amp. R39 looks scorched on one card. This resistor is sometimes removed by those doing POOGE mods.

Without output MOSFETs I have no way to test the cards and I really don't have the equipment or test bench to do a lot of card level repairs. Their repair, if needed, should be an easy project for a person with more experience than I have.

PayPal preferred. Let me know.


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