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Group Buy for Crossover PCBs

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Hi All,
Is anyone interested in a group buy for just the printed circuit boards for crossovers, 2 way and 3 way. I'm thinking that we could design it so it has some optional filters, etc. that could be used or not.

If you are interested, please post to this thread and indicate your level of interest, that is,
  • Definately Interested but need to see price.
  • Possibly interested
  • Good idea but I don't think it will work
  • etc.

Also, please indicate how many you might be interested in if it goes ahead, where 1 is for 1 speaker, 2 for a pair. I'm thinking that if we get a sufficient quantity, we could get a nice board for cheap and they would be handy to have on hand.

If you have specific ideas, or would like to offer advise and info, please feel free. If this gets off the ground, I'll start and run a WIKI page for it.

Thanks all.

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