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Greetings from Lithuania! DIYer, developer, supplier

Hello everybody.

I'm Vladimir

I have small repair/restore/manufacturing workshop with lathe, CNC mill, CO2 laser cutter, some linear & toroidal winding machines.

The main point of restoring - reel-to-reel magnetophones, cassette decks, vintage record players (turntables) and vintage audio of Golden Era (1920th - 1990th)

The main point of development - Hi-Fi & High-End audio circuits (semiconductors & tube), modules for upgrading or replacing failed in industrial audio units (including replacements for specific rarest chips or processors), unical applications for high-end devices etc. etc.

The main point of supplying - soviet-made vacuum tubes (appr. 100 models and over 9000 pcs in stock just now), new-made rare mechanical parts for vintage turntables and magnetophones (from simplest tonearm armrest hooks up to intemediate & pinch rubber rollers), and, of cource, transformers/chokes/coils and it's parts (bobbins, lamination, cores).

I can provide custom-made step-up (for MC or r2r magnetic heads), input and phaseinverter trafos as well as interstage or output. Also, in cooperation with my friend and collegue (the owner of former "Vilma" plant winding shop where are possibilities from the production of toroidal cores with 0.08 - 0.35 mm grain oriented steel tape + their oxigen free firing to vacuum impregnation and sealing of finished products with high-voltage varnish/resin, there are over 50 machines for EI & O transformers winding with a capacity from 0.1 watt to 20+ kw as well as there are motor's stator/rotor winding and balancing machines too)

Some of my developments and repairs you can see:
some of repairs - https://www.facebook.com/HighEndRestore
small part of developments - https://www.facebook.com/Audiophilia.eu/
a little of turntables upgrade decisions https://www.facebook.com/33strobo.eu as well as https://www.facebook.com/Strobeheaven/

Last development: LED VU-meter for cassette decks, r2rs, amplifiers as well as standalone decisions.
The main point - there are many different switchable visualization modes.
And most importantly - a freely programmable grid of step levels, 1-1024, unlike the vast majority of solutions existing on the market.

Greetings to all. Glad to be here.
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