good old reciver brands to part out?

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Any suggestions for some brands of recivers that could be found at a pawn shop that would yield some good salvage parts for gainclone projects. I guess what I would be looking for specifically would be a stereo potentiometer for a two channel 3886 monoblock amp.
I've bought 5 broken KLH revievers from Ebay for .50 to $1.00 each (plus $18.00 S/H) Inside they have a 350VA or so toroid 40V+40V plus a 30vct winding for op amp power, and a heat sink.

Most of them have a shorted cap on the recifier snubber that blows the main fuse.

There are a few liquidators that dump store returns that seem to have endless supplies.

Most older recievers with a transformer with low enough voltage for chip amps will have EI transformer and may be a little weak on current.
I usally go to the garbage heap, the el compartment to look for salvagable potensial. i'v found that fisher and onkoy are goldmines in desguise! i figured panasonics and technics, sonys and philips were good for this sort of thing, boy was i wrong.

the two brands and the ones like it provides solid, good and big heatsinks, oversized trafos and not to forget main filter caps.
15.000uf main filter caps is what i found inside a onkoy "all-in-one-wannabe-rack". good size heatsinks as well.and if you come across any marantz stuff i hear thats good too.

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