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Gear Off Market, Audio Flea Market, Louisville KY Friday 4/8/16

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Louisville’s Flea Off Market presents the inaugural Gear Off Market, an event devoted exclusively to buying, selling, and trading music gear and audio visual equipment. The event will host vendors offering a wide array of new and used music and A/V equipment: drums, keyboards, effects pedals, hardware, guitars, basses, PA equipment, speakers, stereos, turntables, tape decks, projectors, screens, musical toys, cables, cases and more! Record vendors and local labels will be present selling a wide array of musical releases.

Classical 90.5's Instrumental Partners will be on site and accepting donations of used instruments that they will repair for Girls Rock Louisville and Public Schools.

As with all other Flea Off Market events, we will offer a great lineup of DJs, food trucks, and a bar full of local craft beers and cocktails.

Eat. Drink. Treasure Hunt.

Festivities will take place in the East Market District, on the edge of downtown Louisville in the parking lot of Fresh Start Growers Supply, 1007 E Jefferson St (on the block of Baxter St between Jefferson and Market Streets).

You can SIGN UP to participate here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Wjs051mrx_bA7aNRtT-ZjUVZUyZEis4gBSUI-vLRRqc/viewform
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