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GB for EU: 8 pieces matched Toshiba 2sk170 BL grade Jfet’s

TL,DR: 10 new Slots - each with 8 matched 2sk170 BL Jfets - price 50 Euros per set plus 6 - 15 Euro shipping - price went up due to big amount of work with matching those fets and bad calculation of the first 15 Slots

ALL old SLOTS GONE: Total 15 Slots – each with 8 matched 2sk170 BL Jfets - price 40 Euros per set plus cost of shipping


inspired by the GB that was rocked by diyaudio user JeffreyJuice, I want to run my own group buy for matched octets of original 2sk170 Jfets.

I will buy the stuff from the same reliable source that Jeff used for his group buy. It is one of the last known sources for original Toshiba 2sk170 parts in the whole wide world. Buying in the US does come with some downsides. I will have to pay import tax and customs. Thats why the cost for a tight matched set of 8 transistors will be 40 Euros, plus shipping.

As I am located in Germany, shipping costs will be cheaper if you live in the EU rather then the US. I want to avoid shipping overseas (US, NZ, AU) but I will do if you ask me and pay the actual cost of shipping to your country. Shipping to Germany will be around 5 Euros, most other countries in europe 10 Euros. Please ask for shipping costs to your country.

I will buy an unopened bag of 200 transistors and match them for Idss and Vp using the following method:


I use to sort the values using a spreadsheet to get the best possible sets of matched jfets. I have some experience with this method and I know that it will produce reliable results.

When all 15 slots are gone I will ask you for payment. When 10 slots are paid for, I will order the bag of transistors. It will take some 10 to 14 days for them to reach me and another free weekend for me to match them. After matching, all orders will be shipped as soon as possible.

You will get 2sk170 from the BL Range – so Idss could vary between 6 mA and 12 mA. But if you give me a hint which Idss range you need I will try to solve it.

I hope I did not made any mistakes here and that no forum rule is violated by my post. Please PM if there is any problem. Or if you just want to participate in my GB.

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Thanks @ all for beeing part of this Group buy! I will have to check for shipping costs to US, a letter should be affordable, signed for could be more expensive. I was hoping to be able to ship everything "signed for".

I also take two of the octets of course

Jeffreyjuice 1 octet USA
xrk971 1 octet USA
Vunce 1 octet USA
eddyvb 1 octet Belgium
secanbj 1 octet Sweden
AddiDub 2 octets
Shipping costs for MOST countries:

International goods letter, tracked and signed for: €5,70
International goods letter, insured, tracked and signed for: € 9,30

EU special price, insured, tracked, signed for: € 7,39

Please choose shipping with insurance. You could still choose cheaper shipping, but on your own risk.
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Jeffreyjuice 1 octet USA
xrk971 1 octet USA
Vunce 1 octet USA
eddyvb 1 octet Belgium
secanbj 1 octet Sweden
darrr 1 octet Poland
AddiDub 2 octets Germany
HelmutHolz 1 octet Germany
Potepuh 1 octet Slovenia
Edgar 1 octet Norway
Wow, that escalated quick. If i had no job i would buy 400 or 600 jfets to open this group buy for more then 15 slots. But with my measuring rig and spreadsheet method it would take ages to match them all. Would be more easy to get tight matching octects though.

Waiting for three more participants to join this group buy, then we can start payments and i will order the bag of Jfets.

Jeffreyjuice 1 octet USA
xrk971 1 octet USA
Vunce 1 octet USA
eddyvb 1 octet Belgium
secanbj 1 octet Sweden
darrr 1 octet Poland
AddiDub 2 octets Germany
HelmutHolz 1 octet Germany
Potepuh 1 octet Slovenia
Edgar 1 octet Norway
poseidonsvoice 1 octet USA
KVP 1 octet Belgium

Jeffreyjuice 1 octet USA
xrk971 1 octet USA
Vunce 1 octet USA
eddyvb 1 octet Belgium
secanbj 1 octet Sweden
darrr 1 octet Poland
AddiDub 2 octets Germany
HelmutHolz 1 octet Germany
Potepuh 1 octet Slovenia
Edgar 1 octet Norway
poseidonsvoice 1 octet USA
KVP 1 octet Belgium
mgb1965 1 octet Germany

Jeffreyjuice 1 octet USA
xrk971 1 octet USA
Vunce 1 octet USA
eddyvb 1 octet Belgium
secanbj 1 octet Sweden
darrr 1 octet Poland
AddiDub 2 octets Germany
HelmutHolz 1 octet Germany
Potepuh 1 octet Slovenia
Edgar 1 octet Norway
poseidonsvoice 1 octet USA
KVP 1 octet Belgium
mgb1965 1 octet Germany
Maciej 1 octet Poland