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Garrage sale

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I have 2 used rack mount cases. These are seel cases that housed some vidio amps. 5" high and 16 wide and 16 deep.
The sides are vented and along one side are 4 small 115v fans
the fans are un tested. These will probably weigh about 4 lbs
or less. They both have Black alluminum rack mount fronts with
silver handles.

Now the following needs a good home. I have a rack mount
ac power supply. This consist of 3 ac meters 25v ac 50vac
150v ac These voltages are supplied by 4 transformers a 230v
1 amp, 2 68v 2 amp transformers and a 10v 6 amp transformer. These are supplied by 4 220w variacs. There is no cover to this case. This is about 40 lbs. Untested.

I am open to offers on the cases and power supply but would perfer to ship in the USA only. Go ahead and make me an offer I
might surprise you.

Regards, Bob12345678 AKA Woody
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