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This is a basic gainclone. Meaning it has the basic blue caps and basic resistors, that are associated with a popular kit that was sold on diyaudio. The inputs to the rectifier board is ~18.3 Volts DC, on each side, if I remember correctly. Might be as high as 21 VDC, I can't remember, but not less than 18.3 Volts. I don't know the rating is VA of the transformer.

If you want this amplifier, just send me an offer and next Sunday I will take the highest offer. Please don't email me and ask me how much I want for it.

I just noticed only two pictures came out good 🙁 If any one wants to see better pictures, type me 🙂






Post it on ebay. You will get at least $150 for it.

Don't bother with those offers. You can barely get a tranny for what they are offering and they know that.

You are just in the wrong place to be selling the amp, as most here already have a few and know how to build them...
I would think the members on this forum would know more about what they are worth than people on Ebay but that is definitely an option for selling. At least you could look into that first. Here's one on ebay that looks pretty nice although it doesn't come with a transformer and beautiful stainless steel cabinet.
Post it on ebay. You will get at least $150 for it.

Don't bother with those offers. You can barely get a tranny for what they are offering and they know that.

You are just in the wrong place to be selling the amp, as most here already have a few and know how to build them...

Don't know if I can get that, but there is one selling for $260 plus shipping. That's hilarious. What is the appeal of this amp at that price? Does it lift veils off of speakers like no other amp has in the history of amplification and veil liftification? 😱

Here's one on ebay that looks pretty nice although it doesn't come with a transformer and beautiful stainless steel cabinet.

It's not beautiful 😛 Also it's made from aluminum or as the British say: al-u-minium 😀 I did spruce it up a little since I took the pictures or at least I changed the screws to some cap head ones.

It's always slightly humorous to me how I come back to my threads years later. Don't be alarmed this is normal.
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