Gainclone is on 120 volts will it be fine at 220 volts?

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leadbelly said:
Speaking for myself, if it was a single primary and not dual, and if there was nothing on it saying it was rated for 240VAC, I wouldn't try it. Plus, surplus transformers at cheap $$$ abound.

I beleave it is dual. It has two pairs of 18 VDC and some other pair that's some other voltage that is a lot higher I beleave?

I have two other transformers, but I don't know if they are rated for 240 VAC. I do know they came out of 120 VAC amps.
leadbelly said:
"Dual" as in dual primaries. If you have 2 primaries, and they were wired up to the mains in parallel in that amp you took it from, you can wire the primaries in series for 240VAC service.

I beleave it has dual primaries. Two other wires I have taped measure 120 VAC and a third one. Also taped off crossed with one of the other two gives 240 I beleave.

How would I wire them in series?
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