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FS/WTT: 2 pcs. power amplifier Koda KD-269 - Local pickup only in Hamburg, Germany

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Koda KD-269 stereo power amplifier - Really nice sounding, fat toroid, 4 x 10.000 µF, power transistors Toshiba 2SA1943 / 2SC5200, aluminum front plate. Drives my current hungry Mangepan MG1.6/QR (4 Ohms, 86db/W) flawlessly.

I got two of those; one with some scratches on the top cover, the other one with some minor scratches on the front as well.

Asking for €75,00 respectively € 60,00 or trade. Any offer welcome!

Schematic is attached to this post - look at bottom.

For local pickup in Hamburg, Germany.




http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/attachment.php? Schematic: attachmentid=526249&stc=1&d=1453293145

There is a quite 12-page-thread about that thingy in the Visaton Forum: Conrad Endstufe KD 269 - Seite 2 - Visaton Diskussionsforum

"Für das Geld der HIT! 149 Euro dürften noch nicht mal den Materialpreis ausmachen. Wahrscheinlich wird die in China von armen Reisbauern für die sprichwörtliche Tasse Reis zusammengebraten."


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