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FS Various Amp, Preamp, Cd/Sacd/Dvdplayer

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A friend of mine is selling:

Prephono Aesthetix Rhea euro 2400 o 2900 with nos tubes
Preamp Conrad Johnson Premier Ten euro 2200 + 10 set of tubes
Preamp Chapter Audio Preface + remote Nevo euro 2800

Power amp Audio Research D52B euro 1700

Cd player Chapter Audio Sonnet-S + remote Nevo euro 3000
Cd/Sacd McIntosh MCD201 euro 2200
Cd/Sacd Yamaha CDS 2000 euro 650
Cd/Dvd/Blueray Pioneer BDP-lx91 euro 550

The objects are in Rome, Italy.
Ask me for email for further information and negotiations!
Prices reduced

Prephono Aesthetix Rhea euro 2200 o 2700 con valvole nos
Preamp Conrad Johnson Premier Ten euro 2000 + 10 set di valvole
Preamp Chapter Audio Preface + telecomando Nevo euro 2500

Finale Audio Research D52B euro 1500

Cd player Chapter Audio Sonnet-S + telecomando Nevo euro 2500
Cd/Sacd McIntosh MCD201 euro 1900
Cd/Sacd Yamaha CDS 2000 euro 600
Cd/Dvd/Blueray Pioneer BDP-lx91 euro 500
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