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FS (USA): Orange Pi PC with WiFi

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I've decided to sell my Orange Pi PC. I have only used it for a few hours to test out the Operating System Ports available from the MFG. Everything is working 100%.

I'm asking $30 plus shipping. Local pickup OK.

There is only one WiFi chipset that is natively supported by the OS ports at this time and I am including a compatible 802.11b/g/n usb wifi adapter.

Included are the Orange Pi PC board, power cable (USB to barrel plug), and WiFi adapter. I also have other components that I could add to the mix for a small upcharge (OS on Sim Card, wall wart PS with USB port). I also have a couple of extra OS-compatible WiFi dongles that I could add in, or sell separately.

This is currently listed on Ebay here:
Orange Pi PC with Power Cable and USB WiFi Dongle | eBay
But I am also open to a private sale to the USA.

More info available from the MFG's web site:
orange pi pc - Orangepi
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