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FS: tubes, speaker drivers and more

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I've got too many projects, so I need to blow off some bits and parts that have been gathering dust in order to fund finishing a few. I figured I'd post this stuff here before it goes to Ebay this weekend.

2 NOS Sylvania 6B4G directly heated triodes $50
10 NOS JAN 3A5 directly heated triodes $15
5 NOS 6AX4GTB damper diodes $15
2 CX-381 tubes (globe), 4 UX-281 tubes (globe), 1 81 tube (ST) used $20 for all
2 Neo-planar tweeters, stainless steel faceplate $40
1 Sherwood Newcastle "titanium" finish V-756 DVD player $60
North Creek D25 tweeters NIB, pair $20
Dayton Reference RS150S-8 woofers NIB, pair $40
Peerless 850146 10" CSC-X sandwich cone woofers, quad for $150

See the Ebay ad at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7338690324&category=47092&ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1
for the 8" midrange equivalent of the neoplanar tweeters. Paypal preferred, shipped via UPS. I've got an 85 feedback with 100% on Ebay under ppickard. Thanks, and drop me an e-mail at pkpickard at lycos dot com with any questions.

a few items gone...

2 Neo-planar tweeters, stainless steel faceplate SOLD
North Creek D25 tweeters NIB, pair SOLD
Dayton Reference RS150S-8 woofers NIB, pair SOLD
Peerless 850146 10" CSC-X sandwich cone woofers, two left, $85/pair
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