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FS: Tube Buffer + Tubes

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Joined 2011
Paid Member
Hello all,

I have a Grant Fidelity B-283 (same as Yaqin CD-2) tube buffer that I no longer need since I bought a tube amp.

It takes 2 each of any of the following types of tubes; 6J1, EF95, 6AK5, CV4010, M8100, JAN 5654, etc. and it really works well to take the "digital edge" off mid-fi sources, particularly if you are running a SS amp.

I will include:

- The B-283
- 2 pairs of NOS Mullard M8100/CV4010 (one pair used about 400-500 hours, the other pair only tested briefly)
- 1 pair of NOS Sylvania EF95/6AK5 (used about 100 hours)

I paid about $150 for the B-283 and around $90 for all the tubes.

Will let it all go for $100 plus actual shipping cost. Paypal accepted. Please contact me for a shipping quote.

Have not sold here before, but please see my e-bay feedback here http://feedback.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=lens_lunatic&ftab=AllFeedback
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