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FS. SSM2018T VCA PCB's, ALP's Faders

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I still have a few VCA PCB's and ALPs faders that are for sale.

The faders are 10k log dual gang stereo long throw (100mm) conductive plastic. Beautiful feel.

I have 2x stereo faders left with an extra linear track for driving a VCA. USD$15ea.

Also for sale are 4x matching stereo SSM2018T VCA PCB's in the photo. USD$15ea. Great for a multi-channel volume control! 4 boards would make 8 channels.

Take the lot for USD$50!

All parts are brand new, never used. These parts were originally an automation upgrade for a Tascam M5000 console.

Please contact me for extra pics or info.
Cheers, Ralph🙂


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