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FS: Sencore MU 140 Tube Tester

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Toyed with the idea of getting back into tube equipment, but it never happened.
I have a vintage Sencore MU 140 Dynamic Mutual Conductance Tube Checker that I picked up at least 10+ years ago. The tester appears to be intact and original, but I have not tested it. It comes with 3 booklets, including the service manual which contains the units schematic diagram in case it requires servicing. I'd like to recover my $175 Cdn that I paid for it, or would consider trade for a good cosmetics/working vintage 70s - 80s receiver. This tester is big and heavy, so shipping would be expensive, pickup preferred if possible.


  • SencoreMU140a.jpg
    235 KB · Views: 111
  • SencoreMU140b.jpg
    154.8 KB · Views: 105
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