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FS: Seas/Hiquphon/LSP Cad 3 way kit

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I'm no longer doing any speaker building since I don't have any workshop space or time. The items below are for sale all together. Will ship anywhere in north America. Ebay auction ends next weekend: Audiophile 3-Way Speaker Kit (Seas/Hiquphon/LSP Cad) - eBay (item 230544064179 end time Nov-07-10 14:55:18 PST)

Audiophile 3-way Speaker Kit

This is a complete kit with all the parts necessary to build an awesome pair of 3-way speakers. All parts are new except the woofers, which were only used to test an enclosure. Below is the list of over $1500 worth of speaker building supplies included in this acution.

Drivers: Seas Excel / Hiquphon

2 Hiquphon OW1 Tweeters
2 Seas W12CY001 Midranges
2 Seas W22EX001 Woofers

Electrical: Parts Express

2 Parts Express 260-126 Crossover Circuit Boards
8 16 gauge Parts Express air core inductors (.33 - 1.2 mH)
4 18 gauge Jantzen air core inductores (.60-.65 mh)
6 Solen audiophile capacitors (5.6 - 15 uF)
12 Dayton Audio capacitors (.33 - 40 uF)
16 Mills Audiophile resisters 1-8 ohms
1 roll WBT 4% silver solder

Software: LSP Cad

LSP Cad ver 5.21 - includes Serial #, CD and manual
JustMLS measurement software with microphone
Simulated crossover design, driver spl and impedance traces
Autocad drawings, box design and baffle simulations,

Miscelaneous: Parts Express

4 sq. feet Dynamat Extreme damping material
18 sq. feet tan speaker grill cloth
1 bag Acousti-stuff noise dampening fill
10 Parts Express speaker mounting kits
2 3" diamter adjustable audiohpile Aero-ports
75 feet assorted gauges Monster Cable
Assorted heat shrink tubing

Note: Included are a simulated elcectrical design, box simulations, and autocad drawings of possible enclosures. No instructions for assembly included. Purchaser should be an enthusiastic amateur speaker builder who is willing to build a test rig and tweak the electical design.
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