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FS: QA400 Audio Analyzer

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I'm selling my QA400 Audio Analyzer, product information here. $175 plus actual shipping cost (price new was $200) and Paypal fees of 2.9% + $0.50 in the US or 3.9% + $0.60 if international. Paypal is the only payment method I'll use, sorry no checks. If interested just send me a PM. 🙂

Given the dollar amount I will only ship it via traceable means (with tracking number). Here in the US that would be the USPS "medium flat rate box" service which goes for $13.45 and includes postal insurance and tracking. Outside of the US that would be USPS international priority mail, which gets pretty pricey. I can get a shipping quote for you, but depending on the package size my past experiences are it either goes for around $22.50 or around $45, plus another $4 or so to postal-insure it for the whole $175. The full value would also be declared as merchandise on the customs form, so you may wind up with additional customs taxes on your end.

The QA400 being sold works great. QuantAsylum has now discontinued them with the release of their new QA401, which costs twice as much at $429. I'm going to either get a QA401 or some other higher-priced unit.

The QA400 is essentially a (very good) sound card in its own box. But unlike sound cards the custom PC software that runs the QA400 includes calibration. The latest QA400 software to load on your PC is here.

The QA400 thread on the forum is here.

The QA400 comes with a USB cable (it is USB powered). You will need your own BNC cables for the BNC connectors on the front. There is no manual with the QA400. The software is pretty self-explanatory, plus there are a huge number of useful posts in the forum thread here.

And one note of caution about the QA400: the maximum input voltage is 5V peak! If you are testing something with a bigger voltage swing you'll need to make your own resistive divider on the input.
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