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For sale

a DSC2 fully built with proper smd equipment (stencil+oven) as per documentation over puredsd.ru
perfectly running.

This is the configuration implemented :
- NXP 74ahct595D shift-registers
- Vishays's PAT 4.99k tantalum-nitride resistor
- Dual NDK oscillators (NZ2520SDA / 49.152Mhz + 44.1584Mhz)
- "Chinese" Black OTP 300+300ohm (preferred by most, including me, over the lundhals alternative)

I sell without the BeagleBone / amanero, that i keep for my future projects.

This is the second of my two's. I was using it in over my living room setup, but due to a change of house, i can't afford two systems anymore 🙂

Shipped internationally.

asking 250€

Thanks !
Sorry, but yesterday i was unable to find some time to get to the computer.
Anyway. attached is the photo.

as you can see, i have "covered" the transformers with iron pots and the output resistor is on tulips so you can easily swap in case on adjustments.

the RCA connector was never used and never soldered.


  • DSC2-NoBBG.jpg
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