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FS: Panasonic TSUP/ AVX FFB polyprop.

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All brand new unused parts.

Panasonic TSUP 10mm snap in caps:

4 x TSUP 1000uF 63V
4 X TSUP 2200uF 63V

All 8 for £12 including shipping UK.

AVX FFB polypropylene caps. LS 27.5mm Top notch input caps. The images in mouser do not match the case types. Please refer to the photo.

4 x 10uF 720V - £20 Mouser

2 x 68uF 100V - £10 Mouser

4 x 1.5uF 1100v - £10 Mouser

3 x 3.3uF 720V - £6 Mouser

2 x 33uF 75V - £10 Mouser

All AVX FFB's for £45 including shipping UK
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