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FS Pair-Dayton .25 Cu Ft. Gloss Black Cabinets

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For Sale:

Asking $100.00 Plus Shipping

2 X Dayton TW-0.25BK 0.25 ft³ 2-Way Cabinet Gloss Black
2 X Dayton BPP-G Premium Binding Post Pair Gold
2 X Dayton SBPP-SI Binding Post Plate Silver Anodized
2 X Port Tube 2" ID Adjustable
2 X 2" Aperiodic Vents
Sonic Barrier & Polyfill

The binding post plate is nicely mounted on the back.

The cabinets come with 2 sets of baffles.
1 Set is UNCUT
1 Set is cut for a 104mm tweeter and an SB acoustics 17cm driver

The cabinet backs are cut for a 2 inch port. I am including:
1 set of uncut ports
1 set of aperiodic vents.

Dayton TW-0.25BK 0.25 ft³ 2-Way Cabinet Pair Gloss Black | Parts-Express.com
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