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FS: NOS Valvo & Siemens Ba Bas tubes Poströhre (also Aa Ce Ca)

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FS: Valvo Ba Bas from bulk packaging. New and tested.

These are amongst the best sounding preamp tubes ever made.

I also have Siemens Aa, Ba, Bas, Ca, Ce both in the tipped version and globe.


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These are the best audio preamp DHT tubes and drivers ever made!
Made for the German PTT and so made to last. Made from the 1920's.

Open nickel anodes and truly amazing open and detailed. Unlike you ever heard.

I never read an article that did not praise them as the best.

But truly rare and expensive.

The Valvo Ba/Bas are €80/Pair or €140/Quad

The Siemens will be up for auction on Ebay in a few days.
They will be substantially more expensive.
The last pair I sold on Ebay a year ago went for $510

Offers for the Siemens can be made by email: audionics@gmail.com
This way you can asure that you get them before auction.
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