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FS: NIB pair of aurum cantus G3i-130 oem ribbon tweeters

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Joined 2004
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brand new in box pair of aurum cantus G3i-130 ribbon tweeters. these are the same as the G3 (not the G3i) but for the oem market. black only, and drab packaging. just bought these from e-speakers.com for $400 plus shipping. i'll let them go for $350 plus shipping. great deal, as they were never hooked up once. i just removed them from the plastic to look at them, and that's it. basically my project took a turn, and i'll no longer need these. for specs check out:

http://www.aurumcantus.com/ and go to "G3". supposedly some great true ribbon tweeters.


  • ribbonsone.jpg
    96.5 KB · Views: 349
I'm very curious if not completely interested... I'm looking for a "super tweeter" solution but was thinking more along the lines of a Fostex AlNiCo horn rather than a ribbon...the specs seem to fit the bill but I haven't heard enough ribbon drivers to make the call. I just heard a pair of the g2si but barely recall what it sounded like.
the price is about the same either way....damn! scared to make the call. I'll search around for other's opinions and see if it helps.
ok...keep me posted. i had talked w/ someone else, but nothing is committed yet. i would think that the ribbons are more detailed, and you could cross them lower (if you wanted). if you just need a super tweeter...i guess it is a moot point though 🙂
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