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FS: Neutrik XLR kit & TKD volume pots

One full kit for a pair of XLR cables plus chassis connectors. Unused and unopened packs from Farnell.

2 x NC3MXX-B - XLR Connector, 3 Contacts, Plug, Cable Mount, Gold Plated Contacts, Metal Body, XX Series

2 x NC3FXX-B - XLR Connector, 3 Contacts, Socket, Cable Mount, Gold Plated Contacts, Metal Body, XX Series

2 x NC3FD-LX-HA-BAG - XLR Socket black, Chassis, Crimp, 3 Pole

£20 plus postage

Two TKD Volume pots with very light use and in perfect working condition, hoping for around £50 for both but sensible offers are welcome.


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