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FS: Neurochrome Meanwell Control PCB and 2x SMPS for 686 amplifier

Hi all,

I'm selling the MW Control board, fully populated by Tom Christiansen and 2x SMPS for the Nuerochrome 686 amplifier.

I've not had them all that long and before that, they were owned by TC himself.

RRP for the 2x SMPS are £70 each (£140 total) and the MW Control PCB is $30 unpopuated from Neurochrome directly.

I estimate the total package to be around the £300 mark when new, as there are no populated pcbs for sale on the website. Maybe TC will let us know the cost?

I will sell them all, including all connecting wiring between SMPS-Control Board-Amplifier Boards for £140. Free postage to the UK. Postage to be calculated for ROW

I'm happy to negotiate a little, so feel free to get in touch.

This takes a lot of work and cost out of building the quite superb 686 amp.

Thanks for looking.

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Are you only changing power supple and leaving the power N686 modules? Do you think it will be big improvement into sound?
I dont think anything really, I just don't think SMPS have a place in anything trying to deliver High Quality sound, so I remove them, regardless of performance.

Tom says the circuitbis agnostic to whatever you power it with and it makes no difference and as he is the designer, I have no reason to think otherwise, but I just don't like them.